Building a Life You Love

Building a life you love is a life management course that will guide you through the five fundamental areas that are the foundation of a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.
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Building a life you love is a life management course that will guide you through the five fundamental areas that are the foundation of a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.
Stay ahead of a dangerous adversary by not only knowing how to apply locks and dislocations, how to be sneaky enough to escape and reverse them. There is always a way in and out of everything. This content is only available to members.
Shihan Kai Master Instructors Mark Sentoshi Russo, James Kentoshi Norris, and Dennis Fuutoshi Mahoney explore grab concepts from An-shu Stephen K. Hayes’ To-Shin Do Fire curriculum.
Shihan Kai Master Instructors Mark Sentoshi Russo, James Kentoshi Norris, and Dennis Fuutoshi Mahoney explore grab concepts from An-shu Stephen K. Hayes’ To-Shin Do Wind curriculum.
Shihan Kai Master Instructors Mark Sentoshi Russo, James Kentoshi Norris, and Dennis Fuutoshi Mahoney explore concepts from An-shu Stephen K. Hayes’ To-Shin Do Wind curriculum.
Gyaku Nage is an essential elbow leverage throw/takedown. When applied with a modern day approach, opportunities to take advantage of this technique show up all the time. This course will make the secrets to the modern application details crystal clear and explore various entry scenarios.
This course will guide you, in detail, through the science, body movement, applications and variations of the Ganseki Nage throw/takedown technique.
Hon Gyaku is a phenomenal, minimum effort, maximum effect technique that is frequently available and easily applied. Shut down various choking attacks (standing or on the ground) as well as pushes, grabs, slaps, and shoves, and learn why this technique is ideal for women’s self defense.
A collection of guided meditations for your daily practice.
Shihan Russo helps you connect with and understand the secrets to delivering natural power versus conventional power in your strikes. Sentoshi sensei has been described as being able to “hit like a cannon”. Make this skill your own!
Any fight is two opposing energies coming together in conflict. At the highest levels, beyond just doing technique, the one who learns to embrace and control this energy connection will always be the winner.
Join Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo as he dives deep into the four primary secrets that lead to mastery of taijutsu. Sentoshi is detailed, demonstrative, and deliberate in these extended explorations of each principle so you can build them into your training at the root level.
Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo teaches you several drills that you can do on your own to build muscle memory around foundational concepts.
Take the first step to help increase your dynamic power, sense of balance, flexibility, and agility. You’ll build core strength and stability in addition to organizing and strengthening neural pathways that support effective unified movement, which is essential to proper To-Shin Do taijutsu. When done correctly, many of these exercises are deceptively challenging and will […]
This course dives into the core concept of mindfulness, which is required to tap in to and master your Sanmitsu – thoughts, speech, and actions – which create your, whether you know it or not.