Nine-Kamae Long Bo Sequence

This course will get you well on your way to proficiency with the rokushaku bo (6 foot staff). You will learn the nine fundamental postures along with basic and advanced striking skills.
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This course will get you well on your way to proficiency with the rokushaku bo (6 foot staff). You will learn the nine fundamental postures along with basic and advanced striking skills.
This conditioning program will not only dramatically improve your marital arts skills but improve your overall health and fitness, helping to prevent common knee and back problems.
Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo details several principles behind dealing with attackers that are larger and stronger in this hour-long workshop.
Join Senior Master Instructor Mark Sentoshi Russo as he guides students through self-defense fight scenarios exploring the three methods for finding and making safe space.
Shihan Kai Master Instructors Mark Sentoshi Russo, James Kentoshi Norris, and Dennis Fuutoshi Mahoney explore grab concepts from An-shu Stephen K. Hayes’ To-Shin Do Water curriculum.
An-shu Stephen K. Hayes and his Shihan Kai master instructors guide you through the five stages of a conflict.
Shihan Kai Master Instructors Mark Sentoshi Russo, James Kentoshi Norris, and Dennis Fuutoshi Mahoney explore concepts from An-shu Stephen K. Hayes’ To-Shin Do Fire curriculum.
Shihan Kai Master Instructors Mark Sentoshi Russo, James Kentoshi Norris, and Dennis Fuutoshi Mahoney explore concepts from An-shu Stephen K. Hayes’ To-Shin Do Water curriculum.
Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo’s leg workout course includes self-myofascial release, stretching, and a series of functional fitness leg exercises using your own body weight to strengthen the base and improve your To-Shin Do Taijutsu movement.
Join senior ranking Shihan, Mark Sentoshi Russo as he takes you on a guided tour through the five elements of To-Shin Do – Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and the Void.
The Level One Twelve Count Kata is clearly and thoroughly presented in this course. The program takes you step by step through the twelve Fundamental Kenjutsu postures combined with cuts, deflections and counter cuts. An additional bonus is Master Russo’s unarmed interpretation of each clash, providing greater understanding and wider application for a first rate […]
Join Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo as he guides his students through a seminar workshop on shoulder dislocation techniques. The specific techniques addressed in this course include Musha Dori and Ura Oni Kudaki.
Learn a ninja master’s approach to defeating a close range hook punch attack with timing, positioning and technique. Join Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo as he carefully guides you through the details.
Learn how to turn an attacker into his own worst enemy. Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo guides you through efficient and effective methods for managing the nightmare scenario of finding yourself trapped at knifepoint.
Learn how to instantly transform your cell phone into an improvised weapon of self-protection. See how using good To Shin-Do Taijutsu makes this every day item an obvious choice.