Any fight is two opposing energies coming together in conflict. At the highest levels, beyond just doing technique, the one who learns to embrace and control this energy connection will always be the winner. This content is only available to members.
Strategic Sensitivity and Awareness

Any fight is two opposing energies coming together in conflict. At the highest levels, beyond just doing technique, the one who learns to embrace and control this energy connection will always be the winner. In this fascinating workshop explore different ways of finding this secret and making it your own. You will learn and practice several exercises that will bring you closer to this level of mastery.
Exercise 1
Author: Mark Sentoshi Russo
This segment builds on exercise one by adding basic footwork. An advanced exploration into expanding and contracting your own energy as a means of moving your opponent is also covered. This content is only available to members.
Exercise 2
Author: Mark Sentoshi Russo
This segment builds on exercise one by adding basic footwork. An advanced exploration into expanding and contracting your own energy as a means of moving your opponent is also covered. This content is only available to members.
Exercise 3
Author: Mark Sentoshi Russo
This section of training begins with a focus on unified and connected movement. The key is what it means to move from your center, or in Japanese, the hara. A working knowledge of the power of centerline can easily be the difference between winning and losing. You’ll practice developing this as you learn to stay […]
Exercise 4
Author: Mark Sentoshi Russo
This training will build upon the knowledge and skills practiced in exercise three. We will now add the component of attacking the balance line. Remember, breaking an opponent’s balance creates the opening for you to execute a decisive winning move. This content is only available to members.
Exercise 5
Author: Mark Sentoshi Russo
Using basic sword avoidance as a vehicle you will practice unified movement, moving from the hara, and balance breaking to take control. This content is only available to members.
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