For this course, Kata Maki and Ude Garami concepts are our guides as we explore standing self-defense responses and ne-waza (ground-based) submission attacks. This content is only available to members.
Kata Maki and Ude Garami Applications

“Kata Maki”, “single wrap” or “shoulder wrap”, is a training exercise from the Koto Ryu family style of kop-pojutsu. In the execution of this technique, you can attack the opponent’s shoulder by wrapping up or entangling one of their arms to injure, takedown, or incapacitate them.
“Ude Garami” can be defined as “entangled arm” and is a family of techniques that attack the elbows or shoulders of your opponent, utilizing the leverage provided by the bend in their arm. Our Oni-Kudaki, Musha-Dori, Americana, Kimura, and Omoplata techniques all fit into this category.
For this course, Kata Maki and Ude Garami concepts are our guides as we explore standing self-defense responses and ne-waza (ground-based) submission attacks.
2. Circular Movement Warm-Up
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
We began our study with an exercise that is a piece of a conditioning kata, called San Shin no Kata, Fu no Kata. The “boshiken” striking skill that we are training here is also utilized in the Kata Maki exercise. This content is only available to members.
3. Musha Dori Foundations
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
In the exercise of Kata Maki the arm of our attacker is entangled with a technique called “Musha Dori.” Musha Dori can take may forms and provide multiple potential outcomes. In this section we explore some shoulder-lock takedown fundamentals in detail to inform your kata practice. This content is only available to members.
4. Applying the Lock by Correcting Posture
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
In this section we explore a critical detail to Musha-Dori and how your footwork and kamae allow you to lock up arms safely and effectively. This content is only available to members.
5. Exploring Classical Kata Maki
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
In this section we look at the classical “Kata Maki” exercise to learn the form and feel the principles of this technique. This content is only available to members.
6. Musha Dori from Bottom Guard
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Here we look at a bottom guard variation of a Musha-Dori. This content is only available to members.
7. Musha Dori from Bottom Half Guard
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
In another Musha-Dori variation on the ground, we apply the shoulder lock from a bottom half-guard position. This content is only available to members.
8. Bonus – “What’s Up Bro”
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
The “what’s up bro” or “the bro shake” is a personal favorite Musha-Dori variation that we can apply after an “arm drag” from the bottom guard position. This content is only available to members.
9. Musha Dori from North-South Position
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Our final technique for this course is a Musha-Dori technique that we can perform from the top north-and-south position. This content is only available to members.
10. Closing Thoughts
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Course wrap-up and material review. This content is only available to members.
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