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Kata Mune Dori and Ryo Mune Dori Grip Break Combinations

The Takagi Yoshin Ryu style of movements and kata fits seamlessly into modern self-defense scenarios as well as professional protector applications. In this course you will explore two classical kata from this lineage; Kata Mune Dori and Ryo Mune Dori, “single lapel grab catch” and double lapel grab catch” respectively. In addition to the kata specifics we will also cover some parallel methods of dealing with similar but different attack grab styles that are congruent with the principles of these two kata.
2. Kata Mune Dori – Initial Defense
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Here we will look at the first couple of steps of the Kata Mune Dori kata. This content is only available to members.
3. Kata Mune Dori – Takedown
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
In this section we look at how to finish the Kata Mune Dori technique with a wristlock and leg sweep takedown. This content is only available to members.
4. Modern Single-hand Grip Break
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Here we will examine an alternative approach to stripping an attackers grip from your chest. This content is only available to members.
5. Inside Leg Sweep
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
This is a broadly applicable leg sweep technique that you can fit into many scenarios. This content is only available to members.
6. Adding the Leg Sweep to Kata Mune Dori
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Here we put the leg sweep into our Kata Mune Dori kata. This content is only available to members.
7. Throw-Specific Tactical Footwork Considerations
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Depending on your starting, position there are a few footwork options that you want to be comfortable with. This content is only available to members.
8. Influencing the Opponent
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Let’s explore how to take charge of the action and timing using these principles. This content is only available to members.
9. The Anaconda Choke
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
The “Anaconda” is a powerful strangulation technique that fits well into our training scenario. This content is only available to members.
10. Free Response with Kata Mune Dori Applications
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Let’s look at how we can structure our training to allow us to perform these techniques more spontaneously. This content is only available to members.
11. Ryo Mune Dori
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Ryo Mune Dori is a classical Takagi Yoshin Ryu kata that teaches a response to a double lapel grab attack. This content is only available to members.
12. Stripping the Two-hand Grip
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
This content is only available to members.
13. Double Underhook Grip Break
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
“Double Underhooks” is a fancy way of describing a “bear hug” that is under our arms from the front. Escaping these holds can be tricky without good technique. This content is only available to members.
14. Double Underhook Counter – Hiza Guruma
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
“Hiza Garuma” or the “Knee Wheel” technique is a powerful tool in your kit that will allow you to take your adversaries advanteagoues position and use it against them. This content is only available to members.
15. Single-hand Collar Tie Escape – The Russian
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
A “Russian” is a neck grip breaking technique that can put you into a powerful attacking position after you have escaped your opponents control. This content is only available to members.
16. Two-hand Collar Tie Escape – Countering the A-Frame
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
An “A-Frame” or “plumb” clinch can be a devastating position to find yourself in. Don’t get caught there without a plan of escape. This content is only available to members.
17. Finding Neighboring Techniques
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
To truly understand a technique you must know its neighbors well. This content is only available to members.
18. The Value of Repetition
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
The value of intelligent and intentional repetition in training can’t be overstated. This content is only available to members.
19. Closing Thoughts
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Kata Mune Dori & Ryo Mune Dori both ultimately position us in an interesting spot relative to our attacker. The parallel techniques that we explored also put us into a similar spot. Practice these techniques and get to these positions ultimately to understand the overarching principles of Takagi Yoshin Ryu and To-Shin Do. This content […]
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