Unlimited training from $25/month

Buckle Up!

NinjaSelfDefense.com is about to undergo three significant improvements, and we couldn’t be more excited. The first will make the site much faster. The second will significantly upgrade our look and feel. And the third will introduce some amazing new features to help you track your progress as you learn. We’ll make more formal announcements at the appropriate time.

In order to accomplish all of this, there will be a few brief moments when the site will be taken offline during the next three weeks. We apologize for this. These moments won’t last more than 30 minutes, and trust me – we’ll be right back. And it’ll be worth it. Routine maintenance is a part of any web site, and we try to keep ours to an absolute minimum.

I want to send out a very special thanks to all of our members and subscribers who support us through these exciting growth periods and say that our continued pursuit of the best possible experience for you is what drives us.

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