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Winter Quest 2022

Winter Quest 2022

On February 26th and 27th of 2022, An-Shu’s Stephen and Rumiko Hayes traveled to Chapel Hill NC to lead our annual Winter Quest seminar and celebration. A broad cross section of the skills of To-Shin Do were on display as both An-Shu’s took traditional To-Shin taijutsu kata and shared several of the hidden lessons behind the movements.

The An-Shu’s were joined by several of To-Shin Do’s seniors, who also shared secrets of their own over the weekend such as Scott Akitoshi Bragg, Bryan Toutoshi Griffin, and Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt.

Moguri-Dori, Un-Jaku, Hon-Gyaku, Go-Shin Bo, ukemi, kamae, and kuzushi secrets are all touched on throughout this seminar. There is so much depth to the material presented in this video course, be sure to study this deeply.

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