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QuestFit Swiss Ball Workout

In this course we will guide you through utilizing one of my favorite and most affordable training tools, the Swiss, Physio, or Stability ball. As a tool the swiss ball provides us with an incredible training opportunity as every movement that we perform with it is a “core” exercise. The small muscles that help stabilize our major movers are so important to develop in order to build and improve our balance. This swiss ball training session will provide a whole body conditioning opportunity and allow you to get a “hard” workout without beating yourself up. The exercises that we’ve carefully selected for this program will make you harder to throw, sweep, and unbalance. The power that you will develop through this stability training will translate into stronger and more powerful strikes and kicks. The smaller muscles that you train will increase your over proprioception (awareness of your body’s position in space) and that simply means that you are going to be that much more capable of a martial artist.
2. Loosen Up
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
In this section of the lesson we will utilize the Swiss ball to get ourselves ready for the training ahead. This content is only available to members.
3. Warm-Up
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Time to kick the tires and light the fires! This content is only available to members.
4. Movements for Cycle 1
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
These movements will be utilized during the first cycle of our training session. Be sure that you can safely and confidently perform each of these exercises before moving ahead. This content is only available to members.
5. Cycle 1 – Round 1
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Let’s get some! This content is only available to members.
6. Cycle 1 – Round 2
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
If it was easy everyone would do it! This content is only available to members.
7. Cycle 1 – Round 3
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
If you made it this far you’re crushing it! This content is only available to members.
8. Movements for Cycle 2
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
These movements are for our second training cycle. As before, make sure that you can execute each of these exercises confidently before beginning Cycle 2. This content is only available to members.
9. Cycle 2 – Round 1
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Let’s Go! This content is only available to members.
10. Cycle 2 – Round 2
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Nin = Perseverance! Don’t stop now! This content is only available to members.
11. Cycle 2 – Round 3
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Time to be a hero! This content is only available to members.
12. Stability Cool-Down
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
You did it! Great job! Let’s go through this stability cool down to lock in all of the effects from this training session. This content is only available to members.
13. Stretch
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Everyone’s favorite part! Don’t skip the stretch. Time to lengthen and loosen up those muscles to allow the restoration and healing to begin. This content is only available to members.
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