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Matrix Of Martial Arts Reloaded

Part Three of the Matrix of Martial Arts Course Series: Welcome to the Matrix of Martial Arts Reloaded. In the original Matrix of Martial Arts course you learned a martial intelligence formula for Ninja Taijutsu: the physical process of trying to take control with kamae in order to achieve our goals while maximizing options and avoiding constraints in the ever-changing moments of a conflict.
In the Matrix of Martial Arts Reloaded you will discover that success or failure while training is all in your head. In Reloaded you will look at your training through 8 different perspectives and then put them back together again to help your brain create a more complete representation of your training.
In short you will learn to perceive what others miss and take your training to a new level.
Second Perspective
Author: Dennis Fuutoshi Mahoney
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Third Perspective
Author: Dennis Fuutoshi Mahoney
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Perspectives Four Five and Six
Author: Dennis Fuutoshi Mahoney
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Using Perspectives One Through Six
Author: Dennis Fuutoshi Mahoney
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Seventh Perspective
Author: Dennis Fuutoshi Mahoney
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Eighth Perspective
Author: Dennis Fuutoshi Mahoney
This content is only available to members.
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