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Training | Kuki Shinden Ryu

Gyaku Nage Kata

The Kuki Shinden Ryu taijutsu exercise Gyaku Nage was most likely originally taught as a way to learn to fight an adversary in Japanese samurai armor. That is how my teacher first taught it to me in Japan in the 1970s.


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Step by Step

  • Begin with free tactical movement from the kosei no kamae.
  • He executes a right punch.
  • Counter with a left forearm hit to the inside of his right arm.
  • Follow with a chin-ken fingertip spear to the lips.
  • He counters by leaning his head back.
  • You follow with a right kick to his left knee.
  • He counters by pulling his left leg further back away from the kick.
  • He continues with a left punch to your face.
  • You counter with a right defensive strike to the inside of his left arm.
  • Grab his left wrist with your right hand and execute a left chin-ken strike to his lips.
  • He counters with a right defensive strike to the inside of your left arm.
  • He sends his right back at you as a chin-ken to the face.
  • You counter with a left defensive strike inside his right arm.
  • Grab his right wrist with your left hand, throw a right chin-ken claw at his face.
  • Grab him by the lips with your right hand, and throw him with a right leg osoto gake.

Sword Mastery Series – Happo Giri Kata

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To-Shin Do Happo Biken Happo Giri is one of the Kuki Shinden Ryu nine secrets of the sword as taught to Toshitsugu Takamatsu in late 1800s. An-shu says, “The principle of ‘cutting the cut’ looks like a simple way to win when your adversary underestimates you, but you need bravery, precision, and well-practiced skill to make it work. We show you the secrets for Happo Giri as part of our dojo’s program for earning 4th Degree Black Belt, as I learned it in Japan from my teacher in the mid-1970s.”

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Lineage Study







Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo and An-shu Stephen K. Hayes have been training together around the world for over 30 years.

[Basic, Extended, and Complete Access] An-shu Stephen K. Hayes and his Shihan share the secrets of the classical ninja lineages and bring to life the deepest key principles and concepts. Discover the roots and bring classical ninja training to life. Study hundreds of scroll material fight scenarios that have been handed down for generations. All the secrets, all the principles, all the techniques, can be found in these traditional katas.


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