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Simple Keys to Guide Everyday Living

(A take on some thoughts from Dave Kovar)

How would you breathe if you were totally calm and confident?
Breathe like that.

How would you walk if you were amazingly vibrant and healthy?
Walk that way.

What would your posture look like if you extremely alert and awake?
Stand like that.

What would you eat if you knew that food was an important key to your energy and longevity?
Eat like that.

How serious would you be about consistent exercise if you knew that it would prolong the quality of your life?
Exercise that way.

How would you rest and recharge if you knew it would strengthen your immune system?
Make the time to do it.

How would you work if you absolutely loved your job?
Work that way.

How would you treat your family and friends if you were completely happy and content?
Treat them that way.

Think like an awakened and enlightened person, speak like an awakened and enlightened person, act like an awakened and enlightened person…
…and the world will assume you are an awakened and enlightened person.

One Response to Simple Keys to Guide Everyday Living

  1. Thomas December 26, 2020 at 1:27 am #

    Since I began a daily regimen of MMA (Meditation for Martial Artists) about six months ago I’ve noticed a gradual improvement in many aspects of life. This is my morning meds, and I use “The White Light” Meditation at night.

    Thank You,
    Best Regards for 2021

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